The role of Jewish and Christian in the event Karbala

The role of Jewish and Christian in the event Karbala

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Yazeed's mother was Christian 'Messon', whose name was Mu'awiyah removed the mother of Yazeed from her door and sent her back to her tribe, because she had a bad relationship with her slave and Yazeed The result of a bad relationship was that Messon kept his slave.

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Yazeed's Trainers
Bitter events of history, especially during the incident of Karbala, the secret role of Jewish and Christian, can not be doubted because Yazeed was a son of a Christian mother and Christian priests "Johnny" and "Sergio" trained him. And he supported Yazeed in the way that he could sit down on the face of Islam and sit on Masood of Khilafat Muslim, but the real implications of Khilafah remained in the hands of Jews and Christians, they could turn twist on the camel camels to turn aside. . When Sergeius saw that after the death of Mu'awiyah, the implication of the Islamic government is going to the hands of Imam Hussein and Arbaliat Rasool, and the Kufi invites Imam to lead the Islamic society, then he killed Yazeed on the murder of Imam Hussein. To be prepared and take control of the cafe's environment, Yazeed was offered to appoint Abdullah bin Zaid as governor of Kufa. (1)

Regarding the role of Jewish and Christian in the event of Karbala, a discussion with the researcher and scholar of Hajj-ul-Islam and Al-Musilman, Syed Mohammad Reza Tabatabai, is presented to the readers:
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S: Explain the role of Jewish and Christian in the event Ashura.

What was the role of Jewish and Christian in the early times of Islam, and then what role did the Jews and Christians play in the Imam Imam Hussein, especially Karbala? This is a very detailed discussion but we will point here only a few points.
Quranic Quran has informed Muslims in the clear words of Islamic and Christianity Islamism:
"Lithajan al-Nashas al-Ashaa al-Fawhain, Ammonah al-Wudhin al-'Abd al-Waqjid al-Baqbah, Mu'ad al-Fawhaan, Amanawa al-Din al-Khawaja, Nasr al-Baqarah,".
You will see that the believers are the most corrupt Jews and polytheists of faith, and most of them are those who say that we are Christians. This is because they are found in many cases and monks, and they are not arrogant and evil.

In the light of this verse of Quran, the most corrupt Jews of Muslims are Muslims, Christians and Christians.

Q. Were Imam and Husayn's fascinating and powerful tool against Islam during the time of Hussein?

Some Christian tools contained significant influence in the Islamic society during Imam Hussein's era, which were influenced by the Jews of this time. The Christians who were associated with the Jews and Jews were supporting them backward, as Christians of this era were divided into a few groups:
1: A group who showed itself a strong devotee and was highly motivated for his religion, even when himself reached reaching the Prophet himself, it was a group consisting of prominent figures of Christians. This group did not believe in the prophet Akram but was convinced of you respect. And Muslims did not hurt or hurt. There are plenty of events about this group in history that they wanted to attend the service of the prophet Akram with elegant and wealthy clothes, but the Prophet did not allow them.
2: The Christian group seeking the right to some people of Christians, majority of them after accepting the truth of the Prophet (SAW), accepted Islam, one of them is martyred with Imam Hussein in Karbala.
3: The third group was those who were Christians of the world, most of their meanings meant that they used to oppose Islam, but for their religious interest, but when their religious interests were in danger, then compared to Islam As the students of Najarrens dragged hands with them, in the meanwhile, when they realized that if the apostles would be scattered in comparison to Islam, their influence would certainly be ensured, they fled without discussion. Some of the people who had deep influence within Muslims, did not want to destroy Islam, but to invoke Islam, Islam was to destroy Islam from its true path, because of that they have some of the Prophet The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "O Messenger of Allah!" He said, "O Messenger of Allah!
4: There was also a fourth group among Christians and Jews. This Prophet Islam used to understand his enemy and the reason why you are Jewish and Christianity. The work of the Mushrikun to throw Mecca to the wars against the prophet Akram was his work. And some of the elements of this group were rich advisers of the Syrian people who attacked them on the rebellion against Amir al-Mu'minin Ali and used to return to the rich Syria in the war. They had a major role in the training of Yazeed bin Mu'minah, as well as the incident of Karbala So the veil and the real ones were the same.

Q: Can Yazeed's religious ministers also be considered involved in this incident?

Yes! I wanted to bring the conversation to the same direction. One of the Jews and Christians' plans planned to train Isaac's son Yazeed was one of the plans. Or in other words say that Amir was supposed to train the people of the Muslim after the evening what he did. I offer you an example of this. Earlier, a Christian priest named "Joseph Wolf," was Jewish, and he himself was one of the racist Christians, came to the Persian province of Persia and Shiraz. In 1824, the pastor came to Iran in Bishshahar and visited Tehran, Shiraz, Kashs and several other cities. And he met with the Jews and Christians present in all these cities. He made a very viable and dangerous plan for his influence on Iran. Do you know what he did? He adopted the same method that his ancestors adopted in Imam Husain. The way he trained Yazeed and laid it on Masood Khilafat Muslim, so that he could destroy the image of Islam, so that person closely trained a man named Mirza Ibrahim Shirazi, and trained him to the house of Abraham. She was found to be a specialist of the son of King, later son, who later became the King of Iran!
He was married to a Christian woman from Marriage herself, Mirzaa Ibrahimzai, who was born in Holland and was born to be a son named 'Jan' later working in Munichi Emperor in the British Embassy in Tehran. It means to say that plans are taken in such a way to take control of the most important personality of a state.

S: As far as I know that Yazeed was the son of a Christian mother, is that right?

Yes! Yazeed's mother was Christian 'Messon', whose name was Mu'awiyah removed the mother of Yazeed from her door and sent her back to her tribe, because she had a bad relationship with her slave and Yazeed The result of a bad relationship was that Messon kept his slave.
Ezid's rites were Christians too. Messon belonged to the Kalab tribe, the children of Kalab were Christians. Messon was the daughter of Bold Kalebi. Birla Kubli himself was a Christian and his slave was a Christian who had made a bad relationship with Messon. The teacher of Yazid was also an expert Arabian Arabic named 'Aktab'. You should consider that Yazeed was trained throughout a Christian environment and was admitted under a special goal, it was used to teach all the principles of Rasmism and Alcoholism, Memonism, adultery, music, and dance. But he did not listen to anything in Islam in his own training. This was the reason that after the death of Mu'awiyah, when he sat on Masood Khilafat Muslim, he would say, 'Majaa' s prophet and La Rihanna nalse 'Mu'adullah did not have any prophet nor any revelation revealed.

Q: Can you point out the goals under which Jews and Christians trained Yazid in this way?

Some goals point out in the last conversation. The problem of nationalism and racism near the Jewish and Christian is a major problem. The nation who is convinced of the ethnic government and can not accept any other rule. Of course, if the last prophet was from the descendants of Isaac, then the racist Jews and Christians of this era would appear in another way with these historical events. In that case, he would not have been warriors and he would not be jealous. But Lord Alam has made history in such a way that various nations can be declared in the destination exam. See your Koran cream. But how many Jews were so many verses revealed about the Jews in Koran? About 2,000 verses of the six thousand verses are about Jews and Christians. Why they were given such importance.
Due to their problems and because of their dangerous conspiracies in the history of Prophet Muhammad, so that Muslims should be aware of this nation and its anti-Islamist propaganda and propaganda. There is no chance to explain the demand more clearly. But I wish the readers about 'Sergiois' to do more about what he did in Mu'awiyah and Yazeed.
Why is Abu Dhabi Ghafari, a famous prophet of the Prophet of Akram, is sent to the Messenger of God after being exiled only by an objection? It is that the most important position in any government is treasury, who was treasurer in the era of Mu'awiyah's rule? Why Abdullah bin Zadad is made as governor of Kufa according to the advice of Sergius or Surgeon? Etc. etc. There are questions which are more evident from the point of view of Judea and Christianity in the event of Karbella.
Thank you very much that you gave your valuable time in our favor.

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  1. This is the wrong Information your are spreading that Yazeed is Christian Priest Son, He was one of Sahabi Son (Maybe his name Hazrat Usama) Hazrat Usama was Khalifa of that Place and after him his Son Yazeed become King.

    It is Proof from the Hadith that Yazeed is Sahabi Son, One day Hazart Muhammad PBUH saw that Yazeed was sitting on his fathers Shoulders, so HE (PBUH) said, Dozaki is on Jannanti shoulders .

    Please donot spread wrong information to new generation



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